Getting Advice with Clarity

As accredited aged care professionals we aim to help you reduce fees, maximise government support and make informed decisions.

If you think you need to sell the home to access care STOP and get advice. Selling the home can have unintended consequences. Engage us to help you better understand your options. Potential options could include Retain, Sell or Rent but what is important is understanding the financial implications of each of the options.

First step in getting Advice

We will have a general discussion about what is happening, what you have tried and what you are considering for potential care arrangements. If we believe that you will benefit from proceeding to advice we will let you know. If we think that the cost of advice will not provide value, we will tell you. Our business relies on referrals and if we cannot see that we can put you in a better position we will let you know. If you are on the right track, we will let you know.

Prior to our advisers providing you advice we need certified copies of the Powers of Attorney and certified copies of identification for the person going to care and the attorneys acting on their behalf.

If the care solution is Residential Care

If the care solution is Residential Care

We help you understand Estate Planning implications and provide guidance for Enduring Powers of Attorneys and decision-makers.

Our approach to advice is to:


Get an understanding of your unique situation


Help you understand the things you need to know and cut through the noise to provide clarity


Provide you with the understanding of your options and the financial implications of those options


Help to bridge the gap between your understanding and the reality of aged care to reduce stress and help you navigate the complexity of transitioning to care

Frequently asked questions

No, we can help you understand funding of home care packages, fee structures of retirement villages, right to reside information and granny flat structuring.

We are a fee for service offering.

To provide personal advice we need to get an understanding of your situation and document the advice in a Statement of Advice. Our core service is aged care advice and how to fund transitioning to care arrangements in the later years of retirement.

We can be engaged on an hourly or project based rate. For example applying for the Centrelink aged pension, providing a facility short list, reviewing invoices, completion of forms, updating Centrelink.

As part of our Statement of Advice we do not provide Investment or Taxation advice.

We can work with your existing Advisers. We specialise in Aged Care advice and help you understand how to fund cashflow and cost of care. We don’t tell you what shares to retain or sell. We do not tell you how to structure your pension or what superannuation contributions to make. We model your situation using assumptions but we do not provide specific Investment advice or taxation advice.

No. We provide general information about Estate implications, but we encourage you to seek legal advice.

No. We do not provide taxation advice, we encourage you to talk to your existing Accountant or taxation specialist.

 Yes, we provide advice Australia-wide.  Residential aged care is covered by Commonwealth legislation and therefore we can help you understand your care situation in any State of Australia.

Yes, We can use electronic meetings to provide advice as well as face to face. We have provided advice to family members whose parents have needed care in Australia who reside in the Perth, Melbourne, Mackay, Brisbane, Darwin, the Gold Coast, the United States, New Zealand and Singapore.

Contact us

Call Clarity Financial today to speak to our friendly staff and arrange a booking. Alternatively, you can send us an inquiry and we will be in touch.

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